The Institute’s laboratories are equipped with a comprehensive range of process appa-ratus and equipment from laboratory to model to semi-operational scale, necessary for modelling and studying not only individual processes but also entire technologies and subsequent transfer of basic research findings to industry:
Model to semi-operational scale mechanically stirred reactors and storage tanks
• volumes from 1 to 1000 l, centrally located and lateral stirrers of different geometries, hydrodynamically optimized stirrers, static mixers, heat transfer, power measurement, homogenization, suspension and dispersed phase distribution, mixing of multiphase systems, non-Newtonian charges, static mixers
Measurement track for testing liquid/liquid, liquid/gas heat exchangers
• volumetric flow rate up to 40 m³/h, electric hot stream heating capacity 50 kW, measurement of flow, hydraulic and thermal characteristics
Equipment for disintegration, grinding and milling
• product size units of micrometres to millimeters, dry and wet grinding, traditional chemical and food industry raw materials, material-energy recycling, advanced biofuels
• ball mill (10 l, 0-80 RPM), knife mill (50-200 kg/h, 500-3500 RPM, various rotor blade shapes), ultra-centrifugal mill (6000-18000 RPM, various rotor geometries), colloid mill (1-5 kg/h suspension, cooling option, stator rotor gap 20-100 micrometers), maceration mill (20-50 kg/h), custom-designed bead mill
Equipment for thermal pre-treatment of waste
• processing of gastro waste, municipal greenery, etc. in the biorefinery concept
• thermal reactor (200°C, 1.5 MPa, 0.8 l, indirect heating/cooling), thermal expan-sion pre-treatment (8 l, 200°C, 1.5 MPa, indirect heating, rapid decompression of the sludge)
Hydromechanical separation equipment
• gravity settling, filtration and filtration tests, drum centrifuge – max. speed 3500 rpm, drum volume 4.2 l, cyclones, hydraulic sorting and grinding equipment
• laboratory and model plate photobioreactor with a volume of approx. 10 l
• tube and plate reactor, culture medium volume 100 to 150 l,CO2 and O2 solubili-ty measurement, pressure differential, variable illumination intensity, PAR meas-urement, biofilm identification, static mixers and distributors
Equipment for the capture and purification of waste gases
• membrane unit (optional hollow fibre modules, 15-60°C, 0-10 bar (g), 20-200 Nl/h mixture, six-component mixture preparation, analysis of CO, CO2, H2, H2S, CH4)
• adsorption unit (PSA configuration, oxygen production of 95 % purity with a min-imum of 1,29 kg/h at an outlet pressure of 4 bar (g), operating gas temperature range for adsorption and desorption from 5 to 50°C)
• absorption unit (counter-current absorption column with 4 beds of structured charge with low theoretical floor height equivalent (VETP), gas flow 0-8 kg/h, op-erating temperature 15-130°C, min/max operating pressure -50/250 kPa)
Water purification
• photometric COD analysis, turbidity probe, dissolved oxygen measurement
• laboratory electroflotation unit
Drying, model and semi-operational dryers
• GEA laboratory spray dryer with co-current and counter-current arrangement, nozzle or disc spraying, maximum drying air temperature 200 °C, min 3,2 kg/h evaporated water, air flow 200 kg/h
• Spray laboratory dryer for thermolabile materials, max temperature 90 °C, air flow 300 m3/h
• convective circulating dryer with continuous measurement of water content in the sample, max. drying air temperature 100 °C, max. drying air flow 0,1 m3/s, max. sample weight 0,5 kg
• continuous microwave dryer with conveyor belt and power control 500-2500 W
Model plant for the production of liquid biofuels
• mixed reactors and storage tanks, distillation unit
Momentum and heat transfer in apparatus and equipment
• electrodiffusion diagnostics for measuring transport phenomena on apparatus walls
• conductivity tomography for monitoring multiphase processes in 300 mm diame-ter apparatus
• non-contact and contact methods for measuring heat transfer in apparatus and devices
Measurement of flow properties of real substances and dispersions
• Rotational rheometry – Anton Paar MCR 102 rheometer enabling the application of rotational and oscillatory rheometry on various geometries with a torque range from 5 to 200 mNm, axial force from -50 to 50 N and speeds up to 3000 RPM (100 Hz for oscillatory measurements); Rheotec RC 20 rheometer with a torque range up to 50 mNm and speeds up to 800 RPM
• extrusion rheometry – capillary/extrusion rheometer of its own design with a vol-umetric flow rate from 0.039 l/s to 0.5 l/s, filling capacity from 0.4 l to 3 l and pre-capillary pressure from 2 to 5 MPa; and a laboratory extruder suitable for testing thermoplastics and EPDM compounds with an input power of 9 kW, screw drive motor power of 7.5 kW, mass flow rate from 2 to 10 kg/h, screw diameter of 30 mm
• flow properties of suspensions and dispersions determined by a mixing system over a wide range of liquid and dispersed phase properties
Measurement of particle size distribution
• Malvern Mastersizer 3000 laser analyser – particle size measurement in wet or dry environments in the range 0.01 – 3500 µm
• Fritsch a-22 comapact laser particle size analyser – measurement in liquid, range 0.3 – 300 µm
Measurement of thermal properties of substances
• PerkinElmer DSC 8500 differential scanning calorimeter for the measurement of thermal properties of substances from -100 °C to 750 °C up to 750 °C/min
• Measurement of thermal conductivity of solid and powder materials by the modi-fied hot wire method using the Kemtherm QTM-D3 in the range 0.024 to 12 W/mK